Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Rats: Part II

I was on the phone with a colleague this afternoon, and happened to look out my apartment window down on the rat trap below. And there was some poor guy, cleaning it out.

After I got over my convulsions, I was left with one thought.

Thank god I have job skills.


Bea said...

OMG!!!!!!!! He was cleaning it out??? EEewwwwww, yes thank goodness you have a different set of job skills!

Anonymous said...

Who's the cheap-ass who can't just BUY A NEW TRAP?!

Madre de Dios...


Anonymous said...

this is becoming an obsession. you may have job skills, but you need a few new hobbies.


Theata Widowa said...

When you made a vow to increase your posting content to realistic levels.... well, I didn't think you meant this kind of thing! It's really interesting to hear that you have a phobia about rodents, but what's the unspoken part of this? You're being vague and mysterious.

Bea said...

LMAO Theata Widowa...too much