Friday, January 27, 2006

City Mouse tagged me with this meme

SEVEN SONGS:List seven songs you are into right now; no matter the genre, whether they have words, or even if they're any good. They must be songs you're really enjoying this week. When you're done, tag seven people to see what they're listening to.

  1. Sweet Child O' Mine; Guns and Roses. When I am in a crappy mood (which because of work silliness has been most of this week) this song goes to 11 on the iPod.
  2. American Woman; The Guess Who. Same reason. Sometimes you just really need loud rock and roll.
  3. Origin Of Love; Hedwig and The Angry Inch soundtrack. I love how this song sets up the psychological action of the whole show. Plus, it's a beautiful story.
  4. Shake Your Groove Thing; Peaches and Herb. What can I say, I am old enough to remember 70's radio. And I can't hear it without seeing in my mind's eye Bill Irwin in The Clown Bagatelles.
  5. The Big Reel of Ballynacally/The High Hill/Flash Away The Pressing Gang: Solas. My favorite Irish trad band. Great walking music and really lifts the spirits.
  6. It's Only Rock and Roll; The Rolling Stones.
  7. Blinded by the Light; Manfred Mann's Earth Band. Yeah, really have no excuse for this one. Just fond memories.

I tag the MSGAP (Multi-State, Girlie-Advising Posse), at least those of you with blogs. This would include S, Bea Yourself, Lucky Spinster, East Coast Alaska Girl, Biker Chick. I don't have two more, I am afraid.


Bea said...

lol LD, I'll post in a few. BTW I love Peaches and Herb too!

Bea said...

Oh I love these list things!!!! That was fun LD, thanks for tagging me.