Monday, February 27, 2006


No, this is not an entry in Chewbacca’s blog. This was me Friday afternoon on board a flight from Minneapolis to Anchorage. Of course, for it to be a flight, we would actually have to have lifted off the ground.

The day began well enough. I woke up at 5:45, showered, finished the last minute packing, and headed to the airport. I breezed through check in and security, and had time to have a small bite and read a little of my book before boarding the first of my scheduled three flights. I had only a forty minutes between each of these flights, so I was somewhat nervous about making all my connections, especially in Minneapolis. The Minneapolis- Saint Paul airport is rather huge.

I had apparently used up all of my good flight karma for the day. We touched down a few minutes behind schedule at Minneapolis, and my connection was at another gate. Cue LD running* through the airport to get to his connection. I made it to the plane, got on board to discover I was seated in the family section. Not one, not two, but three different families traveling with children under the age of two. One family with two. Can we guess where they were seated?

We all settled in and waited.

And waited.

And waited.

About half an hour after our scheduled departure time, the captain came on the speaker to inform us they were replacing a light bulb in the cockpit, and we would be on our way momentarily.

Some twenty minutes later the doors were finally closed.

And we waited.

The captain then informed us we were waiting for a crew to push us back from the gate. A short time later we actually began moving. We backed up about two hundred yards from the gate.

And we stopped.

And waited.

Finally the captain came on to inform us there was a computer problem, and they were waiting on word form the maintanence department.

And we waited.

We began to move, and the whole cabin breathed a sigh of relief.

A sigh that was cut short when we realized we were moving back to the gate. Someone please kill me now! We arrived back at the gate and guess what we did. We waited.

They finally opened the doors and made an announcement that anyone who wanted to exit the plane and get something to eat could do so. Then we were given a stern warning that as soon as the computer was switched out, we would be departing and anyone not on board at that time would be left behind. Oh, and by the way, we can’t tell you how long the repair will take. I knew if I got off the plane there was no way in hell I was getting back on, so I stayed on board.

And who else decided to stay on board? All three families.

After some time I stood up to stretch out, and ended up staying up for about an hour because I was just too pissed off to sit.

Eventually, they re-boarded the plane, and we took off exactly three hours past our scheduled departure time. Needless to say, I missed my connection in Anchorage, and as there was no room on the last flight to Juneau, I was put up in a hotel near the airport (the Puffin Inn, really, I couldn’t make that up).

The only good thing to say about the trip, despite the nine hours aboard a single aircraft, was the view in the morning as we flew South to Juneau was spectacular. It started me on a whole series of contemplations that will have to wait because I need to go to bed.

More later, because there are tales to tell.

For Those Of You Wondering

I made it safely to Juneau, although a day later than planned.

More on that later.

Sunday, February 19, 2006


I am currently sitting in the office (Starbucks). It is, as you might imagine on a Sunday afternoon, rather crowded. And the person who just vacated the seat beside me? Had been taking up two spaces worth of counter with his laptop and laptop bag, and had not ordered anything. Was taking up space without contributing anything to the establishment that was providing him with the opportunity to get his Wi-Fi on.

People like that should be taken out and shot.


Friday, February 17, 2006

Backward Steps

This morning, my alarm went off at 5:00 AM. Not because I had made a mistake in setting it, and not because I had to go to the airport. No, my alarm went off because I had agreed to go back to work for a few days for the company I used to install rigging and machinery for.

The past month and a half have not been banner months where producing income are concerned, so I was grateful to have the work. I know I was helping them out of a bind, and they also are very greatful. Still, I feel like I have just taken several Paul Bunyon sized steps backwards in terms of where I want my professional life to be going.

My anxiety level has been building as time goes on and I am still unable to line up work after the middle of next month. And it seems the more I try to grasp at possibilities for the future, the more thay wriggle away. My neurosis about the future has even spilled over to other aspects of my ife, and was a key issue in my doing something that risked alienating someone I care for a great deal. Fortunately, they are a better person than I and have chosen to let it go.

I feel very much at a crossroads, and am unsure what the next step should be.

There is a point in there somewhere, but I think the sleep deprivation is taking it's toll.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Random Crap

I have been a little wrapped up in myself of late. There has been a lot on my mind, and I think I may have been wallowing in the negative aspects of my life a bit. Time, I guess, to put that behind me.

I got a surprise call from BP (formerly known as BL), one of the Multi-State, Girlie-Advising Posse, last night. In a long discussion about life, love and other such matters, she ended by articulating what she was looking for like this: " I want complicated (because if you are really involved in the reationship, it is complicated), I want to know I am loved, and I want great sex."
That doesn't seem like too much to ask, does it?

She concluded the conversation with two bits to cheer me up, one was of a personal nature, but the other was that someone we both know used to be a male stripper. I have not laughed that hard in weeks.

Other things going on.

I finished my plot for Hair yesterday evening and sent it on to the theatre. I was feeling a bit of cabin fever (I had not left the house since Sunday afternoon) so decided to take a walk. This was around 12:30 AM.

I had a lot swirling around in my head, and my attempts at writing it out had proved fruitless. I found the walk really cleared my head. Maybe Mr. Cruise was on to something.


In the midst of my walk I got a call from East Coast Alaska Girl. One of the advantages to having a Multi-State, Girlie-Advising Posse is that no matter what the hour, there is a good chance one of them is up.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Things I Don't Need In My Life Right Now

Just read a job posting on line. The job is in town, pays well with benefits, and I could do it with my eyes closed. Have I mentioned I have no work after the middle of March.

I don't need this temptation in my life right now.

Wonder What Will Become Of This?

I read this story this evening. Seems the Vice President was on a hunting trip in Texas and accidentally shot one of his fellow hunters. The person survived and was taken to a hospital where he is in good condition. What I am left wondering, however, is if you or I shot someone in a hunting accident*, would we be allowed to board a plane and leave the state within 24 hours?

*Don't even ask how such an event could occur, being as I don't hunt.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A Little Reminder To Myself

Sometimes, it's not all about me.

On Why I -Heart- My MSGAP So Much

Because when I am on the phone at 1:00 AM being a self-centered, egomaniacal asshole, they call me on it.

I love that they don't let me get away with bullshit.

Monday, February 06, 2006

Current Mood: Shitty

On S's blog, she has the option of giving a descriptor to her current mood. It even comes with a little emoticon. I wonder what the emoticon for "Shitty" would be?

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Backyard Additions

So now, in addition to the super-sized rat trap behind my apartment building, they have added a one of those stand up cigarette butt collectors beside it.

If I see one rat out there smoking a Camel, I am fucking out of here.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Blog On Demand

A number of people have pointed out to me that I have not been posting much here on the ol blog. There are a couple of reasons for this, but mostly I feel like I have been using this blog to keep people up to date on my life, instead of actually sitting down and talking to them/ calling them. Seems a little anti-social.

There has been a lot going through my mind of late, issues of career and the future and personal life and such. I have been feeling a little stressed about work and the lack thereof after the middle of March. Also on my mind is what the next step is in terms of working out of town (which actually pays enough to live on) vs. working here in town (which doesn't).

Twelve shows have opened so far this season with my name attatched to them in some way, and I am feeling a little fried.

On to the positive.

A fellow blogger has asked me to do event lighting for her wedding reception this Fall. I just think that's really cool.

Through a strange bit of randomness, I got to see a friend this evening that for various reasons I have not seen in a few weeks. Also really cool.

My brain is mush. I am going to bed. There is a plot for Hair to be finished by end of day tomorrow.
