Monday, January 02, 2006

Alaska Time, Or Insomnia?

Either way, it sucks. I have been up for three hours now, and am rapidly approaching the time when I actually have to get out and run some errands. I have to fly to Orlando this afternoon, and have a few things that must be dealt with before I go.

I have in the past day and a half, imported about 2/3 of my CDs into i-Tunes, and thus onto my iPod. I now have two days worth of music. I will be with my family in Florida for three days, so at least I have options for dealing with the insanity. For two days at least.

I love my iPod. It is my constant companion*.

I have no idea whether I will be able to post on the ol blog while I am away down South. I am staying at my Uncle's house (I think), and don't know if there is a shot at an internet connection down there. I also don't know if there will be the opportunity.

I saw King Kong Friday night. It dragged a little in the middle, and I could have lived without the bug scene (I have a bit of a phobia there), but like my blog sis, Lucky Spinster, I cried through the last twenty minutes of the movie. I am usually one of those geeks who sits all the way through the credits anyway, but this time I was forced to so I could avoid having anyone looking at me and being able to tell I was crying. I am a big sap**, what can I say.

As I am going to spend three days with the fam, I decided to go see The Family Stone this afternoon. I figured a comedy about family was just the thing to help lighten the mood for the next three days.

Boy has that movie been mis-marketed. It is billed as a comedy, and there are certainly funny moments, but it deals with some rather serious issues. Issues that at the moment hit a little too close to home for me. I have not read the review in the Post, but was told it was not favorable. I think it is worth a look, although maybe as a rental.***

*That and my fuzzy alligator.

**Actually, I am a girl. At least that is what my close friends keep telling me.

***Do people even rent movies anymore? I think I am the only person on the planet not signed up for Net Flicks.


Chairborne Stranger said...

I'm with ya, bro-iPod-always with me.

Bea said...

You are not a sap for being touched by a movie ya goober! I sobbed my way through LOTR Return of the King-4 times!

Bea said...

I've been browsing the iPods and am considering getting one.

Theata Widowa said...

NetFlix is great. Check it out! You might want to buy a teevee first however.