Sunday, July 30, 2006

I Am So Embarassed

I am a doofus. I was writing an email to one of the Mutli- State, Girlie- Advising Posse about something personal and I managed, through an Outlook screwup, to send it to Theatreboy instead.

Sorry T-Boy, I know you could not have cared less.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

I Feel Like Freakin Goldilocks

Lots of work to get done in the next week. Plot and paperwork for Hamlet at Perseverance Theatre, groundplan for Lunch at NYMF, scene breakdown and sketches for Copenhagen at Town Hall.

My apartment is too hot.

Starbucks is too cold.

Still looking for somewhere that is just right.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

And Now We Really Feel Like Rock Stars

I was just forwarded this ad.

Wanted: 3 Tickets for LUNCH, Tues July 25 - $54
Reply to:
Date: 2006-07-25, 10:01AM EDT

While we are looking for 3 tickets to tonight's production of Lunch at PEPCO's Edison Place Gallery - 702 8th St. NW at 8 pm, we will take any number of tickets available.

no -- it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests

How effing cool is that?

Monday, July 24, 2006

Only Two More Chances!!!

Get more info here.

Buy tickets here.

We have played to capacity houses for three nights running, so be sure to get your tickets early.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


The other day, as I was walking up 17th street to buy props for the show, I approached a couple kissing one another goodbye. Each turned and headed in opposite directions. The one walking towards me had a smile on her face, and turned back to watch the other walk away. Twice.

I sighed audibly.

Isn't love grand?

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Random Lunch Musings

After two days of venue related stress, we opened Lunch last night to a standing room only crowd. God love em, the audience laughter added a good five minutes to our run time. And they were laughing in all the right places.

I am running lights for the show, something I have not done in about a decade. Even more frightening is that I have been given lines. That has not occured since Ronald Reagan lived in the White House.

We went up nine minutes late last night, so I was surprised to read that intrepid Fringe blogger (and astute theatre critic) Trey Grahm was not seated when he arrived late at this afternoon's show. Hopefully he will make it back to hear and see the whole thing.

Come see the show, because I am certain it is going on to very big things, and wouldn't you like to say you saw it when.

Friday, July 21, 2006


In the midst of the Fringe madness, I forgot that yesterday was the 27th anniversery of the first moonwalk. A feat that both inspires and saddens me.

In 1969 we sent three men 225,000 miles through space to land on the moon. They landed, got out of the spacecraft and walked around, got back in and returned safely to Earth. Keep in mind that in 1969 we had just barley invented the computer, yet here we were landing men on another planet.

Sadly, the race to reach the moon was born largely out of fear. The fear that the Soviet Union would develop rocket technology superior to our own, putting us at a disadvantage where the potential use of nuclear weapons was concerned.

As you read the paper, you are reminded how little has changed since 1969. North Korea's missle tests on July 4th are a reminder of the very real danger we face from the continued existence of nuclear weapons. Ethnic and religious violence in Africa and the Middle east continues unabated. The AIDS crisis in Africa. Intolerence of differences so extreme that people would accept amending the US Constitution to prohibit same sex mairrage. The list goes on and on.

In the film Apollo 13, Tom Hanks' character says of the moon landing, "It wasn't a miracle. We just decided to go."

One wonders what would happen if we "just decided" to make the world a better place. To bring and end to violence and hatred, poverty, disease, hunger, intolerence.

The human mind contains every possibility. To solve the world's problems does not take a miracle.

We just need to decide to do it.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Monday, July 10, 2006

A Favor From My Friends

If you have not heard froom me via email in the past two days, it means I no longer have your email address. Could you please email me so I can have it back?

Assuming you actually want to hear from me.

I Must Be Losing Weight

My ass did not use to hurt this much after spending a day in a chair in front of the computer.

Because it wasn't bony enough already.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

I Am The Luckiest Man Alive

So I got robbed Wednesday night.

I had gotten a call from a theatre in California asking about my availability this season. I promised I would look at their website and see what shows I had room for in my schedule. I toodled down to 15th and K to get online. As I was sitting there, a man approached me said he had a gun, and demanded my laptop. I closed it and handed it to him. He took my bag, stuck the laptop in it, and walked up 15th street.

As soon as he was out of sight, I called the cops. Say what you will about the DCPD, but they responded immediatly. There was a car there in three minutes, and I spent the better part of an hour with two officers, driving through alleys in the are searching for the guy.

Ultimately the search proved fruitless, and I was driven home by one of the officers. I sat in my apartment as the shock wore off and I began to realize exactly what losing my laptop meant. I have some files on disk here and there, but nothing even close to a comprehensive backup of the info on that computer.

Gone are 18 months worth of email, all of my music on I-Tunes, dozens of email addresses I don't have written down anywhere, various bits and pieces of dribble I had been writing, the CAD* drawings of over a dozen theatres I have worked in. Perhaps worst of all was the loss of all the work I had been doing for the past month in preperation for the Union exam next week.

I was feeling pretty crappy about it the next day as I took a walk through the alleys in the area, looking in dumpsters and trash cans in the hopes my robber had ditched the bag and computer when he heard the cops coming. No such luck. I contacted various theatres to have them resend me info about upcoming shows, and had to call the exam committee and postpone the test until October.

I talked with both of my parents about the situation, and my mother offered to loan me the money to replace the computer.

After the inevitable second-guessing and anger one goes through in these situations, I began to reflect on how truly lucky I have been in this situation.

One, you are reading about this on my blog, and not in the obituaries.

Two, I have family able and willing to lend support, and not just through this little incident.

Probably more encouraging, I have friends willing to help out. Friday afternoon I received a call from D, whom I have assisted a lot over the past two seasons. He told me he had been discussing my situation with another designer hear in town, and they both offered to front me so I could replace my computer.

I know I have been rather morose of late, and some of you have had to deal with that a lot more than others, but I do know how blessed I am.

If I can't look at my life and see that, then I really have a problem.

BTW folks, back up your data. It really is worth the trouble.

Trust me on this.

*CAD- Computer Aided Drafting

Saturday, July 08, 2006

What A Week

There are a lot of tales to tell, but unfortunatly, I am pressed for time.

The short version is I was robbed on Wednesday evening, and the guy got away with my laptop.

Almost three days with no internet access.

Laptop has been replaced, and I am back online.

More later.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

This Is Just Wrong

I have discussed dating woes with a number of people over the past few months, and many have said to me "You have to get back on the horse."

It probably says something disturbing about me that every time someone says this to me, I can only think of two words.

Christopher Reeve.

I am pretty sure no one ever said that to him.