Wednesday, January 11, 2006

No, I Have Not Died

I have been in tech for Lift at Theatre of the First Amendment since I got back from Orlando. The time with the family last week has generated a lot of thought, but I have not really had time to process it, let alone write about it. More on that later.

Big things have shifted for me on an emotional and psychological level. Some of it is related to the time in Florida (I was there for my Uncle's funeral), some related to my birthday (I am 38 now, for some reason a scary number to me), and some is for reasons I will keep to myself. I will say that I was re-reading a post I wrote over the summer, and it has come back to haunt me in a big way.

So. Happy New Year to all. If I can ever get my brain to slow down long enough for me to write what's in it, there will be more.

I know you are all quivering in .......


Peace in yer crease.

1 comment:

Bea said...

I'm curious to know which post has come back to haunt you??????