Saturday, October 08, 2005

Return To The Scene Of The Crime

I rarely see a show I have worked on after it has opened. I am generally too busy with other work anyways, and I find it difficult to look at my own work after I can't fix it any more. The few times I have been back to see my work, I can only see what isn't right, what I missed, or what isn't being done right by either the actors or the board-op/ stage manager.

So imagine my surprise when I went back to see Upshot last night over at Church Street Theatre. I knew they had been having really small houses, despite the great press the show has been getting, and I wanted to at least show my support for the incredible cast.

The show really held together, the cues (and the actors) were all in the right places, and I didn't see a thing that, given the same resources, I would change. I think it is some of the best work I have ever done, and it was a relief to see myself growing and moving forward as an artist.

If you haven't seen it, it is running through next weekend, and is well worth the trip. And not just for my work, but for the amazing work of all three cast members.

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