Sunday, October 09, 2005

More Mail For W.

Mr. President,

I am responding to an article in The Washington Post detailing the Senate's adoption of new limits on interrogation of detainees being held in US custody. In the article, it is reported that members of your administration, including the Vice President, had put pressure on Senate Republicans to prevent the restrictions, and that you are now threatening to veto the bill.

How is it that you and your administration do not know that the humane treatment of prisoners is the ONLY morally acceptable choice.

Mistreatment, either physical or psychological, is wrong. Under any circumstances. Just wrong. Period.

That you do not know that is just further proof of you unfitness to lead this nation.

Mr. President, I call once again for the resignation of you and your entire administration. You do not represent the leadership, political or moral, that we as a people expect of our President.

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