Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Juneau, Yet Again

Part 3: Juneau.

On the flight from Seattle to Juneau, I figured out why it is I hate that leg of the trip so much. It is not that it takes five and a half hours, but instead that you have to take off and land three times. I hate to fly because I hate take-off and landing, it scares the hell out of me. By the time the plane touches down at the Juneau airport, I would rather stay there than get on another plane ever again.

My flight got in at 7:15 PM local time (11:15 PM EST). ECAG met me at the airport with the costume designer, A, in tow. We made two quick stops to provision the two apartments the theatre had secured, one of which I would be staying in while I am here. Then we toodled off to the Hangar for some dinner. Fried calamari and a Woodchuck amber. MMMM.

I am still a day behind in my reporting, but I probably won't catch up anytime soon. A very long day tommorrow, and the beginning of tech looming I will try to post at least to say I have not yet been eaten by bears.

My happy thought for the day came early this morning upon checking my cell phone messages.

Peace in yer crease, ya'll.

1 comment:

Bea said...

What happened to Juneau Part Deux? LOL