Thursday, December 08, 2005

I Can't Write About...

...what is really on my mind at the moment. Somewhat frustrating, but there you have it.

It relates to the solving of my conundrum, and a timing issue.

I am not sure whether I am being sensible and level headed, or just avoiding the issue. Problem is, by avoiding the issue, it may go away in a way I don't want.

How's that for effing cryptic?


Bea said...

Mighty LD, take the bull by the horns and just do it. Time waits for no man (or woman for that matter). You're in the "What If" Zone, that nebulous space where everything is well, you wanna stay there? Take the plunge, 'cause regret is not fun. Think about it dude, you're my a little. Sending good vibes your way!

Anonymous said...

almost worthy of me.


Bea said...

s- thanks!

Theata Widowa said...

not to decide is to decide