Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Random Wednesday Musings

Too much rattling around in my head at the moment to even attempt a coherent entry*, so just a bunch of pot shots.

I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel with this show. I can't wait to get home.

A message for politicians of all stripes: Creating jobs is not the same as providing economic opportunity.

S the originator of the Multi-State, Girlie Advising Posse, sent me a link to her blog. I will wait for her permission to link to it, but I am, as always, impressed with her insights into herself and those around her. And since I know she is reading, Christmas won't be the same without you, either.

I go to LA in two weeks. BR, one of the MSGAP lives there, so hopefully we will be able to catch up.

The return of my crypticness** has been noted by some. Hopefully soon that will cease, though there still may be no explanation given here.

How is it that in the almost two thousand years since the writings about Jesus, we still have not grasped the fundamental message. I don't belive in the divinity of Jesus, but I do believe in his ideas. We are responsible for the well being of those we share the world with. Living according to the letter of the law is not the same as leading a moral life. Peace and forgiveness. Self sacrifice for the greater good.

Up until the end of the day yesterday, I was a pretty big ball of negative energy for about four days. My thanks to those who bore the brunt of that, and my apologies.

Have I mentioned how much I love my iPod. It's like crack. I just can't stop.

For all my bitching the past couple of days, I am as happy as I have ever been. I know am the luckiest guy alive.

*I know, I know. Most of you are still awaiting the emergence of this coherentness.***

** Is that even a word?

*** Or that?


Anonymous said...


Bea said...

I think he's giddy with thoughts of returning home!

Anonymous said...

btw, crypticness is a word. someone beat me to coherence. post away. the blog is no longer a secret. comments would be nice.

p.s. - i'd say bea and i formed the MSGAP together, wouldn't you?

Bea said...

S-I think you were the originator. I'm more of the Co-Pilot.

Chairborne Stranger said...

Dude I'm totally jealous I wish someone would stand up an MSGAP for me.

Bea said...

CS to establish a Posse of your own, a foundation needs to be in place. Important questions like can you bear your soul to a female and welcome assistance in getting in touch with your feminine side? Need to be answered by you before beginning this ultra cool process. After all one of the primary functions of a Multi-State Girlie Posse is for advice. Your wisdom in wanting to set up a Posse of your own is truly remarkable. You're headed in the right direction dude. You might even have a posse and don't even know it? Any of my "Posse Sistas" wanna chime in to assist CS?

Chairborne Stranger said...

I'm all ears...eagerly listening, with the pen, ready to take notes on this.

Anonymous said...

i'm in. oh, since LD hasn't posted it, here's the new blog. CS - you may want to read it before taking me on for MSGAP purposes. bea - you already know i'm a little off.


Bea said...

S- I don't think you a little off-you're one of the most honest and direct people I know; this is an admirable trait. Rock on with your bad self Momma!!

CS-OK whip out your writing implement and catch these pearls of wisdom I'm givin' ya lad....I'm going to have to do it in parts otherwise I will clutter up LD's board with my prattle

Part One
-your own posse should be comprised of close friends-of the female persuasion (hence the Girlie Advising part)-who are reliable, don't mind the occasional DWI (that would be Dialing While under the Influence-not operating a car while intoxicated)and may or may not live in states or other countries (going global would be righteous indeed)

Now your first mission-should you choose to accept it-listen to Otis Redding's version of Try A Little Tenderness-glean the wisdom in the song-next write down a list of female friends, a PPL (Preliminary Posse List) and contemplate the names on the list; ask yourself if you truly feel comfortable discussing your personal life with these chicks...I'll continue more on my blog so LD's doesn't get jammed with too much info lol