Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Ups And Downs

At a certain point this evening, I turned to D, the designer I am assisiting here in LA, and said, "could you be on headset for awhile?" This marked the end of my giving a rat's crap about the show this evening. I lasted almost the whole day, but about twenty minutes from the end of rehearsal, I just couldn't take it any more.

At two seperate times, D restrained me from getting back on headset.

The show has not been going well. The stage manager* has not been able to call the show correctly** yet, some of the lights for the show have yet to turn on, and we have an audience at 10:30 AM tommorrow (actually today as I type this).

I am on my tenth show of the season and I have been in tech since the 7th of October. I am weary as I have seldom been before. I am ready to be home for awhile; to see friends and family, and maybe enjoy an evening in my own apartment.

But that is the negative stuff. I am happier than I have ever been in my life. I feel incredibly blessed. I work at the thing I love, and people pay me to do it. Tonight I watched 60 children dance in ant costumes with drums on their butts. It is too cute for words.

I also saw Tim Robbins in the hotel bar this evening.

The best part of my evening, I will keep to myself.

And special thanks to those who have called in the past few days. I really appreciate hearing from you.

Peace in yer crease.

*The person who is supposed to run rehearsals and help the artistic staff realize their vision for the show.

** ensuring that all the changes, whether they be lighting, sound scenery, or something else, happen when they are supposed to happen.


Anonymous said...

boos and yeahs. no, wait. i'm not that nice. suck it up bitch boy. good with the bad.

mostly kidding,

Bea said...

Mighty LD, not all are endowed as you are with theatrical skills AND KNOWLEDGE, take deep cleansing breaths...repeat after me...serenity NOW...serenity NOW...serenity NOW. lol and s is right suck it up bitchy boyeeeee!!!!! lol

Bea said...

-sorry for the all caps thing there, I forgot the button was on-didn't mean to shout

Theata Widowa said...

it's nice when you can come home again. at least your bio was included there...