Friday, December 30, 2005

Home Again

There was no plane crash. I made it back home safely. I even managed to be in bed by 2:00 AM. I proceeded to sleep for twelve hours. So much for the productive day I had planned.

I got home to a package from S, which contained Christmas presents. So I put on The Muppets Christmas CD and opened the following:

  1. A feather boa. Not sure what is being said there.
  2. A new scarf to replace the one I lost in Juneau back in October. This makes two scarves I have been given in the past week.
  3. A T-shirt that says "Make Levees, Not War."
  4. A Carmen (you know, the opera by Bizet) finger puppet theatre, wrapped in Devil Ducky paper.

Thanks, dear. Now I feel like I have had a Christmas*.

*Yes, I know I am an atheist, but I love the season, and the idea that surrounds Christmas. Peace on Earth goodwill to all. Who can't stand behind that?


Anonymous said...

the boa = pretty, nola packing peanuts. read nothing more into it.

Chairborne Stranger said...

Boas are hot! well anyway, happy newyear, buddy. Just think-you can re-gift the boa,as well. A silver lining in every gray cloud, that's what i always say.

Bea said...

hmmm feather boa, nice choice of packing material S although I fear that LD has read too much into it lol he does do that occasionally lol and CS is right, it's the gift that keeps on giving!