Monday, June 05, 2006

Bea's Meme- Part Deux

1. If you could only repent for one thing when you die, what would you choose?

That I have ever caused another human being pain.

2. What are 3 things in your life that you feel you honestly deserve?

To be wanted for who I am.
A shot at the title.
Probably, a punch in the nose.

3. When was the last time you had to search most deeply for your inner strength?

About two weeks ago.

4. How many simple things have you learned to appreciate more for one reason or another?


5. What truth about yourself do you wish wasn’t so?

At the moment, I wish I wasn’t really a girl.

6. What is the biggest age difference you can tolerate between you and your partner?

I don’t really know anymore. The biggest has been twelve years, but I don’t think I would go that large a span again. It really depends on the person, though.

7. What is the most expensive thing in your clothing closet?

Nunn Bush cap toes.

8.What is the fondest memory you have of your mother?

The support I had from her in the time after my ex-wife and I seperated.

9. What was the job you had before your current position?

Student. Ugh. Never again.

10. Have you ever been sexually harassed at work? If so, what happened?


11. List 8 of your pet peeves

Only eight? Jeez.

A) People who behave as if they are the only person on the face of the planet.
B) People who seem to believe they have some entitlement simply because they were born.
C) People who deliberatly hurt other people.
D) People who use other people.
E) Discovering I am out of tonic after I have poured the vodka.
F) Not having phone calls returned.
G) Airlines that can’t get a flight out on time.
H) People with no sense of personal space.

12. What is one of your biggest fears and how might you overcome it?

That I will never be loved the way I want to be. Don’t really know what to do about that.

I am not tagging anyone on this.


Bea said...

LOL ECAG I was gonna ask the same question!!!!

Artist In Transition said...

Flops, not so much a peeve as a rule of life.

Bea said...

ahhh the truth emerges! lol