Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Random Wednesday Musings

I have not been posting much lately, not because I don't have anything to talk about, but because most of what is on my mind I don't really want to share with the general public.

The show had it's first preview last night. The audience seemed to love it. And the orchestra was fantastic.

It snowed here last night.

We had Rain Man driving our cab last night. "I'm an excellent driver."

Heard my first Christmas songs of the season on the radio. Surprisingly (sp?), I was not annoyed, but somewhat warmed by it.

I am feeling rootless, especially as the holidays approach. I have been walking by the Crate and Barrel every couple of days, and their displays all say "Gather and Prepare". I miss having people to gather with, to prepare for. I will spend Thanksgiving in California, and Christmas in Alaska, so it is not as if I would be around to do any preparing or gathering anyway, but I would like it to be an option*. Maybe I am just feeling lonely.

This will be the first Christmas in five years I have not spent with S.

A couple of months ago, Lucky Spinster asked me why I had never come to Wing Night, and my response was "Because I have never been invited." It came out way snottier than I had intended, so I had to explain. I was raised by a Southern woman, with Southern manners. You do not just show up somewhere without an invitation. It is not polite. LS proceeded to give me an open invitation to Wing Night (although she has now done away with it, that tease). I have been wondering lately if I would feel less lonely if I were more able to invite myself places. I just don't want to be that guy, you know?

* I have recieved two invitations for Thanksgiving. I just miss hosting large groups, spending a long day with people I love. The people I love either have family thay spend the holidays with, or they live out of town. And this foot note is turning into it's own post, so i will stop. I might expound on this more later.

1 comment:

Bea said...

Sending you (((HUGE HUGS))) because I think you need some.