Sunday, November 20, 2005

Seeing Ourselves

There are two people in my life right now who are dealing with the aftermath of ending relationships. I won't share details, (they are not mine to share), but the thing I find in common about these two women and their situations, is how much each are questioning themselves, not just in terms of the relationship, but their whole lives. Questioning and doubting.

What I find frustrating about this is that neither of them are able to see themselves the way I do. Both are funny, intelligent, beautiful, vibrant, sexy women who have so much to offer the world, and also to any man lucky enough to be worthy of them. They are both extraodinary human beings.*

If I can see that, why can't they.

*I am priviliged to surround myself with fantastic people who make me a better person because they are my friends.


Bea said...

Awwwww this is why we love you so!

SAS said...
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SAS said...

I like to know things. I like to know that the things I know are true. When it turns out that the things I think I know are true are not true at all, the foundation falls out. I lose footing.

Maybe these women are going through the same thing.

And especially if they have any issues with control to begin with...

I mean, just a guess.