Thursday, August 10, 2006


I make a serious effort not to have them. For a very long time I played lots of my life safely, hoping to avoid regretting things I had done. I believed I was trying to avoid hurting anyone, although perhaps I just did not want to feel bad about doing so. Either way, the regrets I ended up with were about the things I had not done, the possibilities not pursued.

After my divorce, I vowed I would never again regret the path not taken. And of course now my regrets center around the fallout of choices I have made. Friendships lost or irrevocably altered, all because I didn't just keep my mouth shut.

Are we supposed to learn something from these experiences? I feel like it is the snake eating it's own tail. The choice is don't take a risk and wonder what might have been, or leap forward and change your life for the worse.

Regret the thing you do, or regret the thing you didn't? Either way, you're fucked.

1 comment:

Bea said...

You forgot something-the leap could change your life for the better. Maybe you can't see that now but in a few days/months/years you might realize that the choice you made was in fact a benefit to you. Just a thought.