Sunday, February 19, 2006


I am currently sitting in the office (Starbucks). It is, as you might imagine on a Sunday afternoon, rather crowded. And the person who just vacated the seat beside me? Had been taking up two spaces worth of counter with his laptop and laptop bag, and had not ordered anything. Was taking up space without contributing anything to the establishment that was providing him with the opportunity to get his Wi-Fi on.

People like that should be taken out and shot.



Bea said...

I see we were a little cranky today, too much caffine kitten?

SAS said...

I think this is a valid point at places that offer free wireless, but somewhere like Starbucks where they let t-mobile bleed you dry, I don't have the same issue. If I am already paying to get online, I won't pay for their overpriced coffee unless I really want it. Which I ususally do, so I guess that's kind of a moot point with me...

Leila said...

well i agree with sas - if you're paying for the service, then fine.

but i will never use the toilet in Mcdonalds without buying at least an ice-cream cone or something!

Bea said...

I say we kick the shit out of them like invading Vikings wearing horned helmets and wooden shields damnit!! ARG!!!!!!