Friday, February 17, 2006

Backward Steps

This morning, my alarm went off at 5:00 AM. Not because I had made a mistake in setting it, and not because I had to go to the airport. No, my alarm went off because I had agreed to go back to work for a few days for the company I used to install rigging and machinery for.

The past month and a half have not been banner months where producing income are concerned, so I was grateful to have the work. I know I was helping them out of a bind, and they also are very greatful. Still, I feel like I have just taken several Paul Bunyon sized steps backwards in terms of where I want my professional life to be going.

My anxiety level has been building as time goes on and I am still unable to line up work after the middle of next month. And it seems the more I try to grasp at possibilities for the future, the more thay wriggle away. My neurosis about the future has even spilled over to other aspects of my ife, and was a key issue in my doing something that risked alienating someone I care for a great deal. Fortunately, they are a better person than I and have chosen to let it go.

I feel very much at a crossroads, and am unsure what the next step should be.

There is a point in there somewhere, but I think the sleep deprivation is taking it's toll.


Bea said...

With love in my heart I say this LD, you need to stop thinking and get some sleep...your life is not a continuing experiment in sleep deprivation.

Anonymous said...

point: you're worried about the future?

point taken.
