Tuesday, May 23, 2006

From The Big Apple To The Big Easy And Back Again

The past few weeks have been all about traveling back and forth. I spent the week before last making three seperate trips to New York to deal with some changes to the lighting for columbinus at New York Theatre Workshop. Despite the annoying trips on the Chinatown bus, I had a great experience working with the Workshop staff, and it was also great to be involved again with a show I belive in, and which ate up a good part of my life last season.

Last week was vacation. I cashed in frequent flyer miles and headed down to New Orleans to see S. My liver may never be the same, but the trip was exactly what the doctor ordered. I was able to leave all of my troubles behind, and had three days without thinking about my life. It was good to just be.

It was also good to be reminded there are people in my life, other than my family, who love me unconditionally.

Last night I journeyed back up to NY for the opening of columbinus. There are people for whom openings are no big deal, just another part of the process. I am not one of those. I find opening nights exciting, and this one especially so. I marvel at the confluence of events that allows my first New York credit to be as Associate Lighting Designer for an Off Broadway show. I know full well that I lead a charmed life, despite my occasional bitching.

And the show was great. I have seen it a lot over the past two seasons, but still found myself deeply moved last night. So congrats to the cast, the crew, and everyone else involved. And thanks for letting me share the ride.


Bea said...

What a great experience!!! I'm delighted for you.

Theata Widowa said...

It was fun, wasn't it? A lovely posting. Glad you are self-aware enough to enjoy the moment, too. Let's just say that the Chinatown bus was a "once in a lifetime experience" and leave it at that...