Friday, April 21, 2006


A number of people have commented to me lately about my rather sporadic (and often cryptic) blog posts. There have been two reasons for that. One is because I have been stupidly busy over the past couple of months.

No complaints there. Busy means work, which I love, and income, which my stomach's annoying fixation on being filled, loves. The project I am currently involved in, Two Rooms over at Theater Alliance, is turning into a really great experience. The cast are all great to work with, as are the director and other designers.

The second reason for my lack of posting is one aspect of my personal life is difficult for me at the moment, although not as hard as it could be. I am exceptionally grateful for the latter.

I have not felt like writing about that part of my life. I still don't. But it does occupy my mind a good bit, so it is hard to write about other things. Consequently, I end up not writing at all.

I really can't say too much more about it. I just have to get past where I am right now.

But like the Beatles say, I get by with a little help from my friends.


Theata Widowa said...

The LD Mystery Blog. Well, it was nice to see you yesterday, though briefly...

SAS said...

Fasten your seat belt. The show veered East (or West? the metaphor isn't that specific). I think it is a good thing. Let's talk soon.