Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Drama Prom

First let me say a huge thank you to the organizers of this years Helen Hayes Awards for keeping the thing reigned in at just over two hours. Those of us who were there mostly for the open bar afterwords, apreciate it.

Second, a big thanks to Lucky Spinster for allowing me to be her escort to the festivities last night. And for not wearing flops.

There were no big surprises at the ceremony, although the after party contained a few.

The first was a piece of news that I am afraid I cannot share yet, but I hope you will all send good wishes my way.

I also got to meet a few people I had only known through their on-line persona, most notably Theaterboy. It was nice to finally put a face and voice to the person whose writing I have been reading for a year.

Sadly, I had been up since 6:00 AM, so I pooped out early and went home. So if I did not see you or spend as much time with you as I would normally have done, please don't take it personally. I am just old.

1 comment:

Theata Widowa said...

It was fun to see you both there... So many stories. So little time to share them all. Perhaps over drinks when I am drinking again, which will not be for a LONG LONG TIME.