Saturday, June 18, 2005

How Shamless Should I Be?

There is a director working here in DC whose work I have found impressive. They are someone with whom I would very much like to work. We have met once, but it was at a bar after an opening, and I was not exactly sober enough to start whoring for work.

I have asked two different people to provide me with an introduction, and both times it has not worked out. So do I just email this person cold?

Help me out here folks.


Anonymous said...

A man with no shams, it's a shame isn't it??? Sorry could resist, besides you're probably giggling right now, I know I am. I think you should sent her a letter with your resume-what can it hurt. I mean you've met her once right? No biggie.

Artist In Transition said...

Allright, so I can't spell when I type. So sue me.

Bridie96 said...

I don't know who it is you are refering to. But I've worked with some pretty cool people in DC and have no shame in shooting off an email to them and saying that i met a really cool lighting designer that thinks highly of their work...Being an Artistic Director has it's perks

Let me know.