Monday, June 06, 2005

Bachelorette #1

I returned several hours ago from my very first date through an internet connection. I tried to go in with low expectations, and just enjoy the other person's company. We met for pool and a drink, although we ended up playing only one game. The music was up so loud it was difficult to talk without standing next to each other. So we turned in our balls and sat outside to chat.

She was full of questions about my work, and we ended up talking career for quite awhile. Unfortunately, there really wasn't any spark, and we ran out of conversation after about an hour and a half. We had a friendly parting, and I got home to a thank you email from her.

So some measure of success. I am at least out there again.

God help us.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad that you went out on the date. Even if there were no sparks at least you got out there and did it-YOU GO BUOY!!

Anonymous said...

beware the spark!

you have to give people time to grow on you. yeah, everyone hopes for some skyrockets, "bobby and millicent" style, but most folks are nervous on a first date. and the first one isn't really a date, it's an audition for a date.

-biker chick

Artist In Transition said...

LS & B- Glad to have made the start.

Biker Chick- Like fungus? Seriously, I was very much in the audition mode, just didn't think she warrented a callback.*

For you non theatre types, a callback is part of the auditioning process. I did not mean she wasn't worth returning a phone call.

Anonymous said...

Yes, yes, like fungus.


What I mean is, different people can add lots of different, cool things to your life, so be careful not to dismiss someone as not worth getting to know because you don't immediately want to pounce on her...

-Biker Chick