Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Show Me The Money

So you would think this is simple, right? A fee was agreed on, we signed a contract, I did the work. Yet the contract has been violated because the producer did not have my check for me on the day of the show. It has now been four days and I have yet to see the check.

Just effing pay me what was agreed to!

This is my single biggest complaint about being a freelance artist. Why do some people feel it is OK to pay people when they get around to it? I doubt very much the people responsible would accept the same behavior from their employer.

Here is a little clue, folks. This is not a hobby. This is how I make my living. I have bills to pay just like you. So fucking pay me on time!

One of the things that sucks about this situation, other than not having the money, is I now have to be an asshole to people I will (hopefully) be working with again. In a discussion with fellow designers recently, the subject of having an agent came up. While many were skeptical about the benefits of employing someone in that role, the mutual agreement was there was certainly value in having someone else who engaged in the fights with management so that one could go into the working situation without having to be the bad guy.

The other thing that sucks is I have very little real recourse. Both shows for which I am currently owed money have closed, so I can't threaten a cease and desist. Do I have to be that guy? You know the one who takes the show disc out of the console and won't restore the show until they have been given a check. Talk about a way to sour a relationship.

What do my readers think?

1 comment:

The Trendy Tailor said...

Have you gotten paid yet? That's such a bummer...I hate that. You have to decide between being the squeaky wheel and risk not getting asked back, or holding your tongue and not getting paid at all.
Sorry...if it were me (which was probably not too long ago) I would ask them when they plan on cutting your check and what day you should expect it--see if they jump...if not, then roll in the lawyer.