Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Home, Where My Music's Playin...

After two of the roughest weeks I have ever had in a theatre, I am on my way home. For a few hours at least. Then it is off to South Carolina to do Cinderella with Columbia Classical Ballet.

When I return to DC on Saturday, the season will be over for me as a designer.

And it is only March.

A part of me is glad to have a break from it. Cinderella will be my 15th show this season, and I am feeling somewhat drained.

But the other part of me is annoyed to have to be figuring out how to scrape out a living doing something else, especially after the schedule I have been keeping up so far this season. Add to that I don't really know how to do anything else, and I am feeling in a bind.

I find myself contemplating graduate school again, as I frequently do when my schedule goes dry. S has told me in no uncertain terms I am not allowed to go to graduate school just because I don't feel like facing life in the working world. She is probably right.

I was very bad about keeping in touch while I was in the wilds of Alaska. To those who did not hear from me, don't take it personally. The show ate me alive, and I did little other than go to the theatre and go to where I was staying and go to bed.

The good thing about workin so hard while there was it distracted me from other things that have been weighing on my mind. The bad thing is those things really crashed in on me last night in an uncomfortable way.

The two highlights from my trip were the non-birthday party thrown for me by East Coast Alaska Girl, and A, the theatre's technical director, and dinner last night with A at her place. Both were wonderfully relaxing and allowed me to enjoy the presence of my friends without the angst of the show.

Babbling here, time to sign off.

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