Wednesday, July 06, 2005


My alarm went off, as it usually does weekdays, at 4:30 AM. I sat up to hit the snooze before the loud blaring could awaken my house guest.

I was in agonizing pain.

I called into work, laid back down, and decided to go to the doctor as soon as a decent hour had arrived.

I awoke again several hours later, still in pain, and starving to death. I had laid down last night intending to ease the pain in my back. I fell asleep in my clothes, and without having eaten dinner.

So I grabbed something to eat, and headed for the hospital.

I was there for over five freakin hours.

All to be told, "Yes, you have strained your back. No heavy lifting, and here take these."

The cute PA did tell me I wasn't allowed to get rear ended anymore (this is not my first time, sadly) Too bad I am no longer dating.

Posting may be a bit light the rest of the week. I will be trying to recouperate.


SAS said...

What??? Rear-ended? Like... ummm... sexually? She said that? Or am I totally misinterpreting that?

Bea said...

hmmmm rear ended eh? You might have missed your golden opportunity to ask for bedside assistance from the charming PA! You must have been in great pain to ignore that remark. OK I'll stop busting chops since you're an invalid and all.