Monday, October 23, 2006

Random Shit

Back home from California. The show went very well and the reviews so far have been positive.

I have been trying for about a month to find a time to meet someone I met through Onion Personals for coffee. The Onion Personals tagline is "For people who already have a life." Apparently, we both have so much of a life that the first time we meet face to face may be in November.

Lucky Spinster has completed her stint at the MacDowell Colony, and hopefully will be back in DC soon. Food and adult beverages with her and ECAG (Retired) are definitley in order.

The next three weeks promise to be absolute hell. I am double booked this week and I am taking the United Scenic Artists exam on Saturday in NY. An event for which I am not the least bit prepared.

I am contemplating someone I met over a year ago. We went out twice, but I decided to see where something with someone else would go. It went nowhere. The question for the MSGAP (and anyone else who wants to chime in) is, how weird would it be to call her now?

I finally have a dining table and chairs. And blinds. The apartment is beginning to feel a bit like home now. And I've only lived here a little over two years.

More later. Peace in yer crease.


Theata Widowa said...

Good luck in NYC. You'll get it this time. I think it would not be weird at all to pick up with dating someone you had started dating before, assuming that she's still interested in you, of course. These issues don't have to be complicated; they either are or they aren't. Seems like not too long ago I read a post here about not having enough to do!

Bea said...

Um I think it would be weirdness to do the hook's up to you though, if it rings your bell then do what you want

Good luck with your exams, try not to wear yourself down.

Anonymous said...

Nah, it's not weird to call her up. Remember I'm a vet of the online dating scene... Call her!!! Or email. Email might be better.

biker chick.